Here’s the thing about bananas: I only like them when they’re perfectly yellow. And that only gives, like, a 1-2 day window. At the first sign of a brown spot, I know they’re getting saved for banana bread.
Banana bread was one of my very favorite snacks as a child–preferably straight out of the oven with a slathering of cream cheese. I actually thought it was my mom’s recipe until I received a box of recipes as a wedding gift from her mom, my Gramma Tina. Banana bread is one of few passed down recipes that I have, so I certainly hold it dear.
It’s a pretty simple recipe, so sometimes I play around with it depending on what I have around. I might go halfsies with whole wheat and all purpose flour, or I might add espresso and cacao nibs (see notes). I might swap out some of the sugar for maple syrup or honey. But no matter what, I always lick the bowl.