Fall in the South means that temperatures start to dip below summer’s unbearable levels, college football reigns supreme, and we’ll all be on the lookout for leaves starting to change colors. It’s the perfect time for a weekend trip to one of charming cities our region has to offer. So for this month’s installment of Around the World, Around the Web, the links are focused on tips for where to stay, eat, drink, shop, and play in 9 Southern cities + 1 rural resort.



1 // Gal Meets Glam’s ultimate 48 hour Charleston itinerary.


2 // Eat Drink Frolic’s list of favorite Chattanooga brunch spots.


3 // My dream: a weekend at Blackberry Farm in pastoral eastern Tennessee.


4 // The Design*Sponge city guide for Durham, NC. You just have to promise not to cheer for Duke!


5 // The On the Grid city guide for Atlanta, broken down by areas of the city.


6 // Coveteur’s guide to a long weekend in Nashville.


7 // The New Orleans city guide from goop.


8 // The Scout Guide’s city cheat-sheet for Richmond


9 // “An Actually Useful Guide to Birmingham” from Bon Appetit.


10 // The chic city guide to Savannah by InsideChic.




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