Pumpkin Risotto with Bacon + Sage


I thought I should come up with a creative and new spin on pumpkin risotto, but some flavor combos stick around for a reason. Take pumpkin and sage, for example. I didn’t see any need to mess around with that other than to add bacon (duh!). You can look back at my basic risotto recipe for a quick refresher if you want, but this fall risotto is a great place to start. It’s relatively quick to make, packed with comforting flavors, and generally a crowd-pleaser.


This recipe is written for 2 entree-sized portions, but it would feed 3-4 if you’re serving it alongside a protein or other courses. I like to roast and puree pumpkins myself (see notes below for instructions), but obviously the canned stuff works, too. Just make sure you don’t accidentally use a can of pumpkin pie filling! You can also swap pumpkin for roasted butternut squash, sweet potatoes, or any other winter squash. For cheese, I usually go with classic parmigiano reggiano (and lots of it!), but pecorino or asiago fit in just fine here.


Buono appetito, and happy fall, y’all!





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