Southern Summer Cheese Board


It’s no secret that I love a good cheese board. If you follow along on Instagram, you’ve seen a cheese spread or two on my account. This spring, I went as far as filling an entire dining room table with cheese, meat, and accoutrements like a giant cheese board for a friend’s engagement party.


This week, I wrote about cheese, meat, and peanut pairings for the National Peanut Board. You can see the full post here, but I wanted to share one of my favorite combos: this Southern-inspired cheese and charcuterie board. It’s perfect for summer gatherings and is best served with ice cold drinks (a peach daiquiri or frosé for me!).


Don’t underestimate peanuts for a cheese board addition! Boiled peanuts are elevated from a deep South roadside treat into a proper party snack as boiled peanut hummus. Roasted peanuts in the shell are a fun and nostalgic and especially great if you’re gathering outside. And peaches are on the board twice–fresh and as jam–because Southern summers are nothing if they aren’t peach-filled.


You can also read my general tips for building a better cheese board before you get started.


A Southern Summer Cheese Board

What you need:


Boiled peanut hummus

Sliced peaches

Goat cheese (chevre) with peach jam

Roasted peanuts in shell

Hickory smoked bacon

Artisanal beef jerky or turkey jerky



Other ideas:


Local wildflower honey


Pickled okra


You can also include any of your favorite Southern cheeses, including pimiento cheese! Some of my favorite Southern cheese producers are Sequatchie Cove Creamery (TN), Sweet Grass Dairy (GA), Chapel Hill Creamery (NC), and Calyroad Creamery (GA).


As always, have fun with it!




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