This isn’t so much a recipe as an easy set of instructions.  I made these skewers for a wedding that I catered recently, and they were a huge hit!  We’ve all seen lackluster fruit trays at weddings and events, so I wanted to give the watermelon some pizzazz.  Mint, lime, and a dusting of flaky salt did the trick. Putting them on skewers makes a super easy, utensil-free party appetizer.  You can always skip the skewers and serve the watermelon in a bowl for a smaller party.  Or add a skewer to a drink for a two-in-one garnish and appetizer!  

The amounts of the ingredients are very inexact, so taste as you go!  For reference, a little 5-6 lb sugar baby watermelon will make about 3 dozen skewers, and you’ll need 2 limes, about 2 tablespoons of chopped mint, and +/- 1 teaspoon of salt.  See the notes below for other ways to jazz them up or substitute ingredients.


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