I’m not going to pretend that I make pretty, little breakfasts like this on weekday mornings. These are easy enough to make on a weekday, but you’re more likely to find them on our table (…er, um, coffee table in front of the tv) for weekend brunch or B4D (breakfast for dinner). I made these quiches with some of my favorite flavors of summer: tomatoes, corn, and basil, none of which require any pre-cooking. Bacon has to get cooked first, but it’s totally worth it. Gorgonzola rounds out the group with a big punch of flavor. Crumbled goat cheese or freshly grated parmesan, pecorino, aged cheddar, or a variety of other cheeses would work here, too.
(Save your corn cobs for corn + parmesan broth!)
Maybe it’s not fair to call these quiches since I took away the crust and the pie dish, then shoved them into little ramekins. They aren’t exactly frittatas, either. I guess technically they are single-serving baked egg custards with summer vegetables and gorgonzola. But that’s a mouthful, so we’ll stick with quiche.
I hate soggy pie crust bottoms, and I, for one, don’t want to bother with stuffing pie dough into tiny ramekins and blind baking it. So for these little guys, I nixed the traditional pie crust. If you are thinking, “Kenan, I hate soggy crust bottoms too, but this truly isn’t a quiche without pie crust,” then I have a solution for you! Bake little pie crust cutouts and throw them on top. Voila! Instructions for that are in the notes below the recipe.