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Organic Balcony Garden Resources
Organic Balcony Garden Resources


I’m not an expert gardener, but I ask my farmer friends a million questions and I’ve learned from trial and error over the years (and my plant-loving Momma!). You can read more about my garden in my latest update, or you can follow my weekly Thursday morning garden updates on Instagram Stories. Here are a few garden resources I love:


Organic Hydrolized Fish & Seaweed Fertilizer (36 0z)

I started using this fertilizer a few years ago on the recommendation of a farmer friend. It smells disgusting, but it works!! It’s a great option for keeping your vegetable or fruit garden organic, though I use it for everything, including houseplants. A 36 oz. bottle is around $20, but it lasts a lonnnggg time because it’s highly concentrated. You only need about 2 tablespoons of fertilizer per gallon of water, and the shelf life is indefinite when undiluted. I use this about every 2 weeks during growing seasons (if I remember) and around once a month otherwise.


Organic Neem Oil (8 oz)

I really hate to use synthetic insecticides on my fruits and vegetables, so neem oil is a good, organic option. It helps deal with aphids and mites, and it is supposedly good for non-gardening uses as well. You just have to be careful not to apply it to plants during bright sunlight hours because it will burn leaves. The oil is highly concentrated, so the $12 bottle will last a long time.


EarthBox Garden Kit (green) or (terracotta)

If you’re limited to patio gardening or you’re not ready to commit to raised beds, the EarthBox is a fabulous prefabricated system for growing. It’s a sub-irrigated container, meaning that it has a water reserve built into the bottom so you don’t have to water as often. It also comes with soil covers that help keep weeds and pests out. At around $55, this isn’t the cheapest option, but it’s great if you don’t have the time, energy, or desire to DIY your gardening containers. It comes in dark green and terracotta colors, and the kit includes caster-style wheels for easy movement.


Organic Seeds:



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