Vegan Lemongrass + Lime Butternut Soup


Here in the South, autumn means that one day feels like summer and the next is crisp and cool. As such, I love versatile recipes like this that can be served hot or cold, depending on the weather. This butternut soup is creamy and comforting, but still light and fresh. You can pull it together relatively quickly, and it might be even better a day later (good for making ahead)! Fresh lemongrass, ginger, turmeric, and lime give this soup a brightness that’s refreshing hot or cold. And coconut milk keeps this recipe vegan and dairy-free! I’ll be making it ahead of time for dinner parties or freezing quarts of it for later.


This time of year, I’ve been lucky to find fresh lemongrass, ginger, and turmeric at local farmers markets in Atlanta. I’ve also seen them sold in Whole Foods and other specialty or health food markets.





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