Kale + Sweet Potato Salad with Cornbread Croutons
Kale + Sweet Potato Salad with Cornbread Croutons


I’m usually on salad duty for family gatherings, and Friendsgiving this weekend is no different. Kale packs a nutritious punch during a time when we’re eating lots of sweets and treats. Massaging the kale (aka rubbing it down with oil and vinegar) breaks down the cell walls, making it more tender. The sweet potatoes can easily be substituted with another winter squash, depending on what you have on hand. Tangy goat cheese and balsamic vinegar balance the sweetness, and the toasted pecans and cornbread croutons provide a nice crunch.


The croutons and sweet potatoes can be made a day or two ahead of time, and the hardy kale can be massaged a few hours ahead. That means you can easily assemble everything when it’s time to serve–more time for roasting your Thanksgiving turkey (or drinking wine)!





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