Instant Pot Risotto with Sweet Potato + Lemon

I love making risotto, and I generally don’t mind the stirring it requires.  I was a skeptic when I heard about Instant Pot risotto, but having a small child has forced me to be more open to time-saving techniques.  Much to my surprise and delight, the texture and...

How to Make Pasta with a Machine

Fresh pasta is one of my favorite things to make. It’s relatively simple, but it takes a little practice. It’s one of those things you have to get a feel for… but a pasta machine definitely makes it easier. For a long time, I rolled pasta by hand (I know…), but I...

Pumpkin Risotto with Bacon + Sage

  I thought I should come up with a creative and new spin on pumpkin risotto, but some flavor combos stick around for a reason. Take pumpkin and sage, for example. I didn’t see any need to mess around with that other than to add bacon (duh!). You can look back at...

Carrot Top Pesto

  It’s easy to forget that carrots are actually roots, since we’re so used to seeing them packaged by themselves. But in order to grow, they need their lacy greens to soak up the sun above ground. And like most root vegetables, the greens are also edible.  ...

Basic Risotto for Two + Bellina Alimentari

This post is brought to you in partnership with Bellina Alimentari, an Italian market and cafe in Atlanta where I teach cooking classes.  As always, all opinions are my own. Risotto doesn’t take a tremendous amount of skill, just some quality ingredients and...