This post is brought to you in partnership with Dixie Vodka. As always, all opinions are my own.

Strawberry Cocktails Two Ways with Dixie Vodka
Strawberry Cocktails Two Ways with Dixie Vodka

Strawberry season is upon us! Because I try to buy produce as locally and seasonally as possible, I generally track the seasons based on food rather than a calendar. To me, strawberries are the essence of late spring when it’s warm, everything is verdant, and we start eating al fresco again. They’re also harbingers of summer–the first berries to appear at market before the onslaught of summer fruits.

Speaking of summer, the season of fruity cocktails is also here! I got together with my friend Jess (aka Lady Flashback) and whipped up some strawberry-themed cocktails on her adorable sun porch with freshly picked King of Crops berries and Charleston-based Dixie Vodka. I was excited to collaborate with Dixie because many aspects of their brand are so thoughtful. Not only is it distilled (6 times!) and bottled nearby in South Carolina, but they also source all of their packaging materials in the Southeast. And this all-American vodka is made from non-GMO corn, which means that it’s a gluten-free product.


Strawberry Cocktails Two Ways with Dixie Vodka
Strawberry Cocktails Two Ways with Dixie Vodka

First up is a strawberry + mint cocktail that I like to think of as a cousin to a strawberry mojito. Muddled strawberries and garden mint meet lime juice and Dixie mint flavored vodka. It all gets topped off with club soda for a refreshing sparkler of a cocktail. Freeze-dried strawberries are the secret to a fun rim. You could swap out sugar for salt for a more savory rim if that suits you.


Strawberry Cocktails Two Ways with Dixie Vodka
Strawberry Cocktails Two Ways with Dixie Vodka

Next is a strawberry + lavender champagne cocktail spiked with vodka. Strawberries meet floral notes from lavender and Meyer lemon, then get sparkles from a topper of champagne. Head over to Lady Flashback to get the full recipe!


Cheers to all things strawberry, sparkling, and sweet!




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