My Seasonal Thanksgiving Table

  I’m gonna let y’all in on a little secret: I don’t really like normal Thanksgiving food. I don’t even like turkey that much. Many traditional holiday dishes historically came from summer produce that was “put up” or canned during the summer bounty and pulled...

Vegan Lemongrass + Lime Butternut Soup

  Here in the South, autumn means that one day feels like summer and the next is crisp and cool. As such, I love versatile recipes like this that can be served hot or cold, depending on the weather. This butternut soup is creamy and comforting, but still light...

Spicy Chicken Tortilla Soup

  I recently started reading Rachel Held Evans’ book Searching for Sunday,* a story about her difficult relationship with the church and what eventually brought her back to it. She frames the book around seven sacraments (baptism, confession, communion, and so...

Leek + Lemon Chicken Noodle Soup

  Chicken noodle soup is a nostalgic dish for many–maybe a dish that brings back memories of a parent or grandparent lovingly preparing it, maybe a dish that soothed what ailed you. To me, it’s one of the most comforting foods when I’m not feeling well. My...

Corn + Parmesan Broth

When you cut the kernels off of a corn cob (like maybe for this summer shrimp pasta), what do you do with the cobs?  Most likely you throw them away, or perhaps you’re a good citizen and compost them.  But either way, it’s a shame to toss them because they still hold...